Answered prayers

It’s been a couple of days and I haven’t had the urge to write. I’ve thought about it, but there haven’t been any words or thoughts that seemed worth noting. Today we travel to Nazareth College in Rochester, New York as guests of the college. Our daughter is a freshman there and she’s done well. She’s a great student. Third in her high school graduating class, but college is always an adjustment.

When Dara was looking at colleges a year and more ago we visited several nice places. She really had her heart set on another college. Following one of those visits we were at Abbey of the Genesee and I said a prayer near the statue of Our Lady that Dara would have a successful search and find a college that would be good for her.

Nazareth College was our last visit, they had offered her a scholarship package and on a very stormy day last spring we traveled there. The first thing I saw as we drove onto the campus, was a large statue of Our Lady. I knew then that this was the answer to our prayer. We both prayed that she’d be successful and she has been. She finished the first semester with a 3.89 gpa. She’s recently been asked to be a student ambassador for the college. Our prayers for her success have been more than answered.


About Don Watkins

I'm a FOSS advocate, writer, educator, Python coder, Linux user, US Navy Veteran, Secular Franciscan, husband,father and grandfather. I blog about my life and experiences that give it meaning.
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